Francesca Cook



National Literacy Trust

A refreshed website for a charity empowering people with the literacy skills they need to succeed in life.

Project Lighthouse

Visual identity and website design for new charity supporting survivor mothers of domestic abuse and child removal.


A new design for Scottish climate change charity, following a rename and rebrand.


CARE International UK

Website design for global humanitarian charity working to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.

Dot Project

A new visual identity for tech-for-good co-op building digital resilience and confidence.

Usborne Foundation

Website design for EdTech non-profit Teach Your Monster games.


Visual identity for a new Substack newsletter about chronic illness grief.

Clementine app

Full redesign and transformative user experience for women’s hypnotherapy app.

Stop Cambo | Uplift

A new website and campaign to encourage people to take action to stop all new oil and gas extraction.


Ongoing partnership with global tech non-profit supporting survivors of gender-based violence.

UK Trauma Council

Brand and digital design for newly-formed council specialising in childhood trauma.

Rape Crisis

Visual identity and digital design for feminist charity working to end sexual violence and abuse.

Moody Month

Brand and app design for women’s cycle and mood tracking app.

UMI Fund

Design partner to a climate movement collaborative.

Stella McKenna

Brand identity for community builder and facilitator inspired by nature.